NEW: ProTouch™
underwater welding electrodes from Broco
NEW from Broco Underwater!
ProTouch™ Underwater Welding Electrodes
Broco Underwater’s new ProTouch™ is a low carbon steel underwater welding electrode offers all position welding capabilities and excellent weld quality.
ProTouch offers commercial divers another quality choice for underwater repair and maintenance jobs and ensures consistent certifiable underwater weld quality, eliminating costly rework. ProTouch can be used in many applications where steel must be bonded underwater in accordance with regulations.

ProTouch meets the American Welding Society’s AWS D3.6 specifications for Class B welding, AWS A5.1 specifications for welding electrodes for arc welding with shielded metal, and the acceptance criteria for Class 1 radiographic inspection of MIL-STD-2035. ProTouch meets the requirements for Radiography Class A, Tensile Class A, Charpy Impact Class A and Hardness Class B of AWS D3.6.
Like all Broco underwater welding electrodes, are ProTouch certified, sealed in a Mil-Spec foil pouch to prevent contamination, and packaged in a sturdy resealable plastic tube for maximum protection. Directions for use are on the label. As with all underwater cutting and welding equipment, read and follow all safety warnings and operating instructions before use.
ProTouch is currently available in 1/8″ diameter electrodes.
For more information, please contact us at